
Thermo Scientific Nanosphere Size Standards 3000 Series





Catalog Number Nominal Diameter Certifi ed Mean
Size Distribution
Std. Dev & CV
Aqueous Suspensions, Calibrated by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS)
3020A 20nm 21 nm ± 1.5 nm Not determined
3030A 30nm 33 nm ± 1.4 nm Not determined
3040A 40nm 40 nm ± 1.8 nm Not determined
Aqueous Suspensions, Calibrated by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
3050A 50nm 46nm±2nm 7.2nm(15.7%)
3060A 60nm 59nm±2.5nm 9.9nm(16.8%)
3070A 70nm 73nm±2.6nm 5.7nm(7.8%)
3080A 80nm 81nm±2.7nm 5.8nm(7.2%)
3090A 90nm 92nm±3.7nm 7nm(7.6%)
3100A 100nm 97nm±3nm 4.5nm(4.6%)
3125A 125nm 125nm±4nm 5.4nm(4.3%)
3150A 150nm 151nm±4nm 5.1nm(3.4%)
3200A 200nm 200nm±6nm 3.4nm(1.7%)
3220A 220nm 220nm±6nm 4.6nm(2.1%)
3240A 240nm 240nm±6nm 3.7nm(1.5%)
3269A 270nm 269nm±6nm 4.2nm(1.6%)
3300A 300nm 300nm±6nm 5.1nm(1.7%)
3350A 350nm 350nm±7nm 4.7nm(1.3%)
3400A 400nm 400nm±5nm 7.3nm(1.8%)
3450A 450nm 453nm±4nm 6.3nm(1.4%)
3495A 500nm 491nm±4nm 6.3nm(1.3%)
3500A 500nm 498nm±5nm 7.9nm(1.6%)
3560A 560nm 565nm±6nm 8.6nm(1.5%)
3600A 600nm 596nm±6nm 7.7nm(1.3%)
3700A 700nm 707nm±6nm 8.5nm(1.2%)
3800A 800nm 799nm±9nm 8.3nm(1.0%)
3900A 900nm 903nm±9nm 9.3nm(1.0%)

Nanosphere Size Standards are highly uniform sulfate particles calibrated in billionths of a meter(nanometers) with NIST traceable methodology.One nanometer is 0.001 micrometer (μm) or 10 Angstroms.

Nanosphere Size Standards are ideal for the cali-bration of electron and atomic force microscopes.

They are also used in light scattering studies and colloidal systems research. The 20 to 900 nmrange of diameters is convenient for checking the sizes of bacterial, viral, ribosomal and sub-cellular components.
Nanospheres are packaged as aqueous suspen-sions in 15 milliliter (mL) dropper-tipped bottles.The concentrations are optimized for ease of dispersion and colloidal stability. The spheres have a density of 1.05 g/cm 3 and an index of refraction of 1.59 @ 589 nm (25 °C)

Product Specifications
Particle Composition: Polystyrene
Particle Density: 1.05 g/cm 3
Index of Refraction: 1.59 @ 589 nm (25°C)
Additives: Contains trace amount of surfactant
Packaged in : 15 mL, 1% solids





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